Thursday, 2 February 2012


DAKSH has constantly been making genuine efforts to contribute in one way or the other to the welfare of our society. DAKSH 2009 had ‘ecobrigade’, 2010 saw ‘plasma compendium’ and 2011 made ‘goonj’ happen…And DAKSH 2012 is all geared up to  make the“ DAKSH sustainability challenge”, an event to be remembered for years to come and also as one, to  make a difference, a huge one, in more than a few people’s lives. Why so…well, let’s see…The divide between the rich and the poor is increasing with every passing second. And let’s face it. This is bad news for India or any other country for that matter. So have you as an individual, ever felt the need to do something…anything worthwhile for your nation? And remember those e- mails/articles/cover stories, which make you realize how grateful you should be ‘coz there are millions out there who would die to avail your facilities, the ones you hardly give a thought about? The pictures of all those malnourished kids, drought lands and acutely poverty stricken villagers.. .There is this one second when you get connected to these pics…that’s exactly what I am talking about. Deep down we do realize how fortunate we are…And somewhere along the way, we wonder if by some way we can make the lives of these people a tad comfortable. This initiative of DAKSH 2012 seeks to strike a balance between two diverse concepts of social responsibility and engineering. As engineers, we know that sky is the limit. As far as villages are concerned, there are innumerable ways wherein our knowledge can benefit them. Issues like agriculture, sanitation, education, connectivity and irrigation can be taken up and a sustainable solution that is simple and efficient for the use of village people can be suggested. The teams can comprise of a maximum of six members .The event format is as follows. The first round is abstract submission. Contestants will be shortlisted at this stage, and the qualified teams will make it to the second round. They will be taken to the concerned village during the days that DAKSH will be happening and during this span the teams should come up with a techno -management oriented solution. If the winner’s solution deems to be an outstanding one, then our university with the help of TAMIL NADU government will implement the very same plan. It is never too late to do a righteous act .All Rise. The road ahead is bound to change the courses of both your life and the people you are to serve. Wishes to all of you!